Day One Group Assignment Part Two
Teaching: 20 min
Exercises: 55 minQuestions
How to find any kind of species interaction dataset?
How to make it easier to review of interaction datasets?
How facilitate interaction data access?
Articulate challenges of sharing, reviewing, and reuse interaction datasets
Discover alternate ways to share, review, and reuse interaction data
Earlier, we’ve had a close look at individual interaction descriptions. Also, we collaborated to review existing species interaction datasets.
Now, we’ll look into ways to help facilitate ways to share, find, and analyze, species interaction datasets.
The main focus of these exercises is , but note that other projects like Mangal, Web of Life, Interaction Web Database Data also aim to make species interaction data easier to find and reuse.
In the 75 minutes afternoon session, we’ll quickly go over some available workshop sections.
Then, rather than trying to do all of them in this afternoon, we can vote on which one to do first, then time permitting we can repeat the exercise for the remaining parts.
If you’d like, the sections will be available after the workshop for independent work.
The following sections are available (slightly adapted from a previous workshop by Katja Seltmann and Jorrit Poelen in context of the project.
- Getting Interaction Data (~10 mins)
- Exploring Species Interaction Records By Pointing and Clicking (~30 mins)
- Working with the Whole (GloBI) Dataset (~30 mins)
- Working with Data Sources (~20 mins)
- Taxonomic Name Review (~20 mins)
- Interaction Data Record Review (~20 mins)
Exercise 1. Vote on our afternoon schedule
Let’s vote and what we’d like to do as a group in the rest of the afternoon.
Go to the collaborative meeting notes section
selecting afternoon schedule
Vote by adding +1’s to the items you’d like to do as a group
We’ll do as many episodes as we can until 16:30
We’ll continue to take notes collaboratively, to ask questions, share insights.
Please feel free to revisit the episodes we covered, and ask engage in discussion with fellow participants or meeting organizers.
Also, episodes that we did not get to will be available for your to explore.
What’s Next?
Please see schedule for our next collaborative activity.
Key Points
Automated taxonomic name linking facilitates discovery, review, and interpretation, of interaction records
Keeping track of data provenance/origins can be tricky
Specialized search indexes like GloBI can help facilitate data discovery
Automated linking and index processes are likely imperfect and subjective