Reports & Whole Group Discussion


Teaching: 0 min
Exercises: 30 min
  • Did everyone agree on association terminology?

  • Do we need additional association terms or fields?

  • Other thoughts?

  • Report your small group’s finding to the whole group

  • Discuss different association terms and interpretations


Each small group will summarize their discussion and share key points and conclusions with the whole group. Once each group has had a chance to share, the whole group will discuss similar and dissimilar findings between the different groups.

Exercise 1: Report your group's findings

Appoint a spokesperson to share your group’s results.

What association terms did you group use or need to create for specimen 1?

  • Did all of your group agree? Why or why not?
  • Did you need to create a new association term or field?

What association terms did you group use or need to create for specimen 2?

  • Did all of your group agree? Why or why not?
  • Did you need to create a new association term or field?

What association terms did you group use or need to create for specimen 3?

  • Did all of your group agree? Why or why not?
  • Did you need to create a new association term or field?

What association terms did you group use or need to create for specimen 4?

  • Did all of your group agree? Why or why not?
  • Did you need to create a new association term or field?

What association terms did you group use or need to create for specimen 5?

  • Did all of your group agree? Why or why not?
  • Did you need to create a new association term or field?

What association terms did you group use or need to create for specimen 6?

  • Did all of your group agree? Why or why not?
  • Did you need to create a new association term or field?

What association terms did you group use or need to create for specimen 7?

  • Did all of your group agree? Why or why not?
  • Did you need to create a new association term or field?

Exercise 2: Whole group discussion

Question to think about:

  • Do we need additional terms or fields in standard data collection methods/depositories?
  • How does being a data provider vs data user change how we interpret the terms used with association data?

Word Cloud! (SESSION 1)

One fun way to visualize results and find common terms is by creating a word cloud.

Share the interaction terms you would use after dissussing them! (SESSION 1)

➡️ Go to:

  • Alternatively, go to and enter the code 7785 8769

➡️ Enter the different interaction terms you used for each specimen.

See the word cloud results in real time as everyone submits terms!

Live results can also be viewed here (

Word Cloud! (SESSION 2)

One fun way to visualize results and find common terms is by creating a word cloud.

Share the interaction terms you would use after dissussing them! (SESSION 2)

➡️ Go to:

  • Alternatively, go to and enter the code 166 697 9

➡️ Enter the different interaction terms you used for each specimen.

See the word cloud results in real time as everyone submits terms!

Live results can also be viewed here (

Additional information for reference

A full list of different association terms, definitions, and translation tables compiled so far are available below:

Resource Description
OBO Relations Ontology project page OBO RO contains many kinds of terms, not just biotic associations terms
List of OBO RO Biotic Interaction Terms with definitions a table of RO biotic interaction terms and their definitions (if available)
List of GloBI Supported Interaction Terms subset of RO interactions terms that GloBI uses for indexing
Default Verbatim Terms Translation Table the translation table used by GloBI to maps verbatim interaction terms to supported interaction terms
Example of Custom Verbatim Terms Translation Table if provided/needed, GloBI can use a custom mapping provided by a collection

Next Up: Submit your worksheets

Key Points

  • Association data can be complicated

  • Association data may be interpreted differently

  • Data providers often think about data and terms differently that data users