This workshop was created as part of the overarching Entomological Collections Management Workshop and is funded by the National Science Foundation as part of the project: Towards a Sustainable Management of Insect Collections in the U.S. through the Entomological Collections Management Workshop award# 1640919. Additional support is provided by the Terrestrial Parasite Tracker project through the National Science Foundation award “Collaborative Research: Digitization TCN: Digitizing collections to trace parasite-host associations and predict the spread of vector-borne disease,” Award numbers DBI:1901932 and DBI:1901926.
Can I re-use this workshop?
Yes! Please feel free to reuse this workshop. The more people that learn about the complicated nature of interaction data, the better 😄
If you would like to modify or build your own similar workshop using this as a template, please read the instructions in the ReadMe file here. Our website used the Carpentries template (thank you Carpentries!) and everything is opensource using GitHub.
Who do I contact about an problem with this website?
Please email Erika Tucker and Jorrit Poelen for website issues, corrections, improvements, or to help build onto this workshop.